9:30 | Onsite Registration Start |
10:00 | Kazuo Shinozaki (RIKEN CSRS) Opening Remarks |
Session I | Stomata regulation and sensing |
10:15 | Julian I. Schroeder (UCSD) Stomatal Abscisic Acid Signaling Specificity and Atmospheric CO2 Transpiration Regulation |
11:00 | Toshinori Kinoshita (Nagoya Univ.) Manipulations of stomatal aperture have effect on plant growth or drought resistant in Arabidopsis |
11:30 | Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki (The Univ. Tokyo) Regulatory networks for osmotic and heat stress sensing and response in plants |
12:00 | Lunch Time |
Session II | Hormone regulation and signaling |
13:15 | Alexander Christmann and Erwin Grill (TUM) Modulation of abscisic acid signaling and water consumption |
14:00 | Lam-Son Phan Tran (RIKEN CSRS) Cytokinin and cytokinin signaling in plant adaptation to drought and salt stress |
14:30 | Kazuo Shinozaki (RIKEN CSRS) Regulation of abscisic acid network for the improvement of water use efficiency and drought tolerance |
15:00 | Break |
Session III | Crop stress tolerance and roots |
15:30 | Mark Tester (KAUST) Maintenance of water use and water use efficiency for salinity tolerance |
16:15 | Yusaku Uga (NAIST) Genetic control of root system architecture improves drought avoidance in rice |
16:45 | Kazuo Nakashima (JIRCAS) Genetic improvement toward enhancing drought tolerance and water use efficiency in rice |
17:15 | Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki (The Univ. Tokyo) Closing Remarks |